My Pictures

35mm  Black & White

I started in 1978, I was 14 years old. It was with a manual SLR camera and three fixed focal length of 24, 50 and 135 mm. To observe and create in black & white, with a quality optical viewfinder and the very tactile handling of a simple and effective camera, provided extraordinary sensations. Under Fono’s influence, my photography has quickly become rigorous, almost intransigent. None of these photos was cropped, the black border coming from the negative film. I like the pearled grain of the Ilford HP5 ISO 400 film.

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Digital Photography

After I got married, I left photography for a while. I needed more time and solitude to be able to get creative and enjoy the photography. But after some time, I needed to take a purely creative and artistic activity back. Digital photography allowed me to conciliate my need for artistic creativity and my very busy professional life. I can also take advantage of all my business trips in order to bring strong and exotic pictures back.

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